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  • Client secret expiration notification

    With its latest version, WPO365 can help monitor the expiration date(s) of AAD application / client secrets. This is important, because as soon as a secret is expired, it cannot be used anymore. And as a result – for example – your users may not be able to sign in…

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  • Building a WordPress based intranet: Restrict access

    WPO365 can help you restrict access to all or some posts and pages of your WordPress website. The following features may help you achieve your goal: Authentication scenarios WPO365 allows administrators to choose between two authentication scenarios: Choosing your preferred authentication scenario, is a feature that is supported by the…

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  • Synchronize (custom) user attributes in Azure AD B2C to WordPress

    In this article I’d like to demonstrate how easy it is to add a custom user attribute to a user’s Azure AD B2C profile and synchronize this additional information to WordPress. This would be especially important, if you are using Azure AD B2C as your primary source for identities and…

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  • Guest users or multi-tenant?

    In this article I’d like to look at the difference between Guest Users and Users from another organization directory that I will refer to as Multi-tenant Users. Because as soon as you’d like to give (Azure AD) authenticated guests / users outside of your own organization access to (private) content in WordPress, you…

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  • Get instantly notified about failures

    Ever wondered how you can receive an SMS or email notification when an exception occurs e.g. when an email is not sent or a user was not able to sign in with Microsoft? In this article, I will explain how you can receive an SMS whenever the WPO365 | LOGIN…

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