Your (own) domain
This settings is used to determine whether a user is an Office 365 user or not, assuming that the user’s login name is equal to the User Principal Name which is equal to the user’s email address.
This settings is used to determine whether a user is an Office 365 user or not, assuming that the user’s login name is equal to the User Principal Name which is equal to the user’s email address.
When checked, the plugin will retrieve additional fields e.g. Job Title, Office Location, Mobile Phone and Business Phone Numbers from Microsoft Graph and adds these to a new “Office 365 Profile Information” user profile section.
A nonce is a “number used once” and is used to test the integrity of requests sent by the plugin to Microsoft.
The plugin will only grant access to users from whitelisted domains.
The Reply URL together with the Application ID and optionally with an App Key are used by Azure Active Directory to authenticate requests that come from your WordPress application. It is also used by Microsoft to redirect the user after that user successfully signed into your WordPress website using Microsoft.
The scope “openid” is defined by the Open Connect ID oauth protocol and is required when the intend is to obtain a user’s ID token the moment that user signs into your WordPress website.
This ID identifies Azure Active Directory as the resource that a user who wants to sign into your (WordPress) website requires delegated permissions to, when signing into your website.
This settings is used to determine whether a user is an Office 365 user or not, assuming that the user’s login name is equal to the User Principal Name which is equal to the user’s email address.
All available documentation on this website is currently being reviewed and updated. This article has already been moved to
This setting uniquely identifies the Application Registration (in Azure Active Directory) that you will need to create for your WordPress website.