End User License Agreement

Changes per 1st April 2022

This End User License Agreement will be updated from 1st April 2022 and a license for a premium extension will always be linked to the domain of the WordPress instance e.g. your-domain.com. Therefore you may need additional licenses for development, test and staging instances if those are set up under different domains but if you’re staging address is – for example – staging.your-domain.com then you’re fine and don’t need additional licenses.

Starting with v17.x the premium extensions / bundles will generate a warning that a license is required if no valid license was found for that particular instance. However, the extensions / bundles will remain fully functionally at all times. If you have installed it without a valid license it will simply show a warning in WP Admin.

Commercial use

After you have purchased a plugin, and have downloaded the plugin as ZIP file, you are licensed to install the plugin only into the number of website(s) corresponding to the license you purchased plus into a corresponding development / test / staging environments. You may not duplicate the plugin in whole or in part, except that you may make one copy of it for backup or archival purposes. You may terminate this license at any time by destroying the original and all copies of the plugin in whatever form. You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this EULA provided you transfer all copies of the plugin (including copies of all prior versions if the plugin is an upgrade) and retain none, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this EULA. You may not redistribute, modify or resold the plugin in any way without the written permission of WPO365. You may not rent, lease, or lend the plugin. You may not use the plugin in any software or application that compete with products and services of WPO365.

School / Non-profit

If you purchase the School / Non-profit license WPO365 may request you to submit proof of your organization’s status in writing.


Plugins sold and distributed by WPO365 are done so in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Inasmuch as WordPress functions correctly on a clean install of itself, WPO365 plugins are guaranteed to function on a clean install of the minimum, stable and required version of WordPress for the plugins. Because the number and variety of third-party plugins and themes is vast and wide, we do not guarantee that the plugin will function with all third-party plugins, themes or browsers of any kind. We do not assume responsibility and will not be held responsible for any conflicts or compatibility issues that may occur due to third-party software. We assume no responsibility for any data loss as a result of installing or using WPO365 plugins. Should conflicts occur with third-party software, we may provide support at our discretion.

Refund Policy

We firmly believe in and stand behind our products 100%, but we understand that they cannot work perfectly for everyone all of the time. If you would like to request a refund, please do using the contact form on the website. When requesting a refund, we respectfully ask that you meet the following refund policy conditions:

Eligibility conditions for a refund request

  • Your purchase is eligible for refund (please note that the Small Business Pass and Enterprise Access Pass are not eligible for refund).
  • You are within the first 14 days of the original purchase of the plugin because we cannot grant refunds after the first 14 days of the original purchase.
  • You have purchased the plugin and after installing and testing the plugin, have found that it will not work for your business or required setup.
  • You agree to deactivate and uninstall the plugin from your site if a refund is granted.


  • You have an issue that we are unable to resolve which makes the system unusable. We may ask you questions regarding the nature of your refund request so we can improve the plugin in the future.
  • If your issue(s) comes from not being able to install the plugin properly or get the plugin to perform its basic functions, we will happily consider your refund request.
  • You have contacted our support team and allowed us to attempt to resolve your issue(s), or have explained why the plugin will not work for you. Please note, technical issues caused by 3rd party plugins, themes or other software will not provide grounds for a refund.

Refunds will be offered at our sole discretion. By purchasing plugin(s) from our site, you agree to this refund policy and relinquish any rights to subject it to any questions, judgment or legal actions. We are not liable to cover any differences in exchange rates between the time you purchased and the time you are refunded.


Prohibition on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the plugin in any way without the written permission of WPO365.

The plugin is owned by WPO365, and is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The plugin is licensed, not sold, to You for use solely subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


Without prejudice to any other rights, WPO365 may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the plugin.


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