Prevent access to /wp-admin
Prevent access for specific roles (defined by an administrator) to /wp-admin. This could go hand-in-hand with the recently added feature to hide the WordPress Admin Bar for certain roles.
Prevent access for specific roles (defined by an administrator) to /wp-admin. This could go hand-in-hand with the recently added feature to hide the WordPress Admin Bar for certain roles.
Some WordPress extensions may send (MIME encoded / Multipart) emails with embedded images. It would be great if the WPO365 | MICROSOFT 365 GRAPH MAILER plugin would support this.
Make it possible for administrators to configure for multiple Azure AD tenants. If multiple Azure AD tenants are configured, a dropdown will be shown together with the Sign in with Microsoft button to allow end-users to pick their tenant*. * It must therefore be possible to assign a friendly name to each Azure AD configuration.
Add a dashboard (only visible for website administrators) that shows – for example – the following: Number of successful and unsuccessful logins (last 7 days). Number of errors and warnings (last 7 days). Number of emails sent (last 7 days). Number of unique users synchronized (last 7 days). Please add more measures in the comments.
Currently, user synchronization is only supported for Azure AD but not for Azure AD B2C.