Private pages in WordPress

Feature description

Private pages in WordPress created with the WPO365 plugin are pages that can only be seen by users that signed in with Microsoft (SSO).

Private pages

Examples of pages that you may want to make private are:

  • Pages with with customer details e.g. a page where a customer or external partner would be able to update his / her contact details.
  • Extranet pages that contain confidential information for business partners, students etc.

All you need to do to make a WordPress page (or post) private with the WPO365 plugin, is simply adding it to its list of Private pages.

Intranet pages

Whenever your objective is to create a WordPress based intranet probably all pages should be private. In this case you do not want to make every single page private by adding it to the Private page list. Luckily the WPO365 plugin allows you to toggle its Authentication mode between Internet (only the pages in the Private pages list require a user to sign into your website) and Intranet (all pages require a user to sign into your website, except for pages added to the Pages blacklist).

For further technical details please refer to the Configuration documentation

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