Use O365 Avatar

Version Available
Personal Blog (free) No
Commercial / School / Non-profit (premium) Yes
Properties Value
Group User Management
Mandatory No

Setting description

If checked the plugin will try and replace the default WordPress avatar with a user’s Office 365 profile picture.

Usage / Example(s)

Check to allow the plugin to try and replace the default WordPress avatar with a user’s Office 365 profile picture.


For this feature to work correctly, please also ensure that you’ve configured the plugin for integration with Microsoft Graph and have created an App Secret.

For a user’s default avatar to be replaced, the user must log on at least once. Once an Office 365 profile picture has been retrieved successfully, it will be cached during a period of time (see Avatar refresh for details) before the plugin will try and refresh the profile picture (but the refresh will again only occur when the user actively signs into your WordPress website).


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